Previously known as the Access Travel Club, the Access Adventurers have been embarking on a variety of trips throughout the years. From jet setting to Disneyland, road tripping to see the Vancouver Canucks, to splurging at West Edmonton Mall, this group has seen many adventures! We typically like to plan our trips at least 6 months in advance with details about the upcoming trip sent ahead of time to individuals and families including prices, itinerary, hotels, and dates.
We typically need 5-7 travelers to make a trip happen. If you are interested in participating in our next trip or have any suggestions on where we should go, please contact Sonja Alsemgeest or Jordan Oostenbrink at 250-763-2217.
Potential ideas for the next trip are an overnight camping trip at a local lake, a Mexico resort/cruise or another trip to Edmonton.
Stay tuned for more details on our next trip!